This Female Yogi's Complex Body Poses Hide A Powerful Message

This Female Yogi's Complex Body Poses Hide A Powerful Message

Suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, major depression and anxiety, a rape survivor Heidi Williams has found solace in Yoga.

Heidi UN agency contemplated suicide and had nearly lost her 6-year-old kid shares that Yoga has supplementary all the colors back to her life. As currently she helps those that ar in wantthose UN agency ar constant stage wherevershe was.

In one among her interviews, she said, "It was during this place of psychological state hell that I found yoga and charm. Yoga brought Maine to a secure place once morea way of peace and self-acceptance."

Heidi's purpose of life is to inspire others and teach them the method of self- healing that she is additionally running on-line support teams wherever folks connect and facilitate one another. However, together with this, Heidi desires to market therapeutic yoga that is specially designed for posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression.

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