video/ This Woman Went Under The Knife Because Her Vagina Looked Like A Burger

video/ This Woman Went Under The Knife Because Her Vagina Looked Like A Burger

Societal standards to achieve the perfect body are stronger than ever before. As a result, people go to any length to gain perfect body shape and perfect shape of every body organ. Those who fall short of standard norms are susceptible to rough judgemental eyes. 
The rise of social media allows us to scroll through unrealistic images of perfectly-formed abs and highly desirable thigh gaps. The result is that the plastic surgery business is booming to keep up with society's insecurities. And these unrealistic expectations cause a lot of people to take an action without giving a second thought.  
One woman didn't like the appearance of her private part. And the reason she got the surgery done is astounding! 
Take a look.  

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